Bringing in the New Year. 2018.

Here I am guys! I made it! WE made it! We made it one more year. As Im sitting here in my office id like to take a moment and count my blessings, as should you. There have been many deaths/tragedies around me recently and they have made me see more clear. They've really helped me realize that I'm a lucky woman. To have everything in my house from the floor to the roof including everything living and everything inanimate. Im lucky. I'm blessed. I'm thankful. Nothing can take this moment away. I feel better than Ive ever felt before and I'm SO ready to bring in this new year with Boudoir Sessions. There is nothing I love more than photographing beautiful people, but beautiful people feeling confident in their own skin really tops everything. I think I've found my calling and that is Professionalizing in Woman Portrait Photography. Nothing against you men out there, but me and the women kind of have something in common... And this may make you a little jelly but i like to think we have a pretty good connection if i do say so myself! :P 

I'm bringing in the New Year with my husband, Marty, and beautiful baby boy, Cory (2.5). We are going to hug each other tight and say "I Love You!" All at once. Then we will say, "Happy New Year" per american tradition. Hug your friends, hug your family, don't forget where you came from-- all that good stuff. But most importantly.... TAKE PICTURES! Let me know how your new years eve was! Id love to see pictures! :)

Thank you!
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